In a shocking incident that unfolded in Xichuan, central China’s Henan Province, an elderly man narrowly escaped a gruesome fate as he attempted to feed a hungry circus tiger, only to be mauled viciously on the street. The distressing scene, captured in footage that has since circulated widely, portrays the pensioner’s harrowing encounter with the ferocious animal.

Onlookers witnessed the pensioner approaching the cage housing the tiger, seemingly unaware of the imminent danger. With no apparent barriers or warnings in place, the man proceeded to offer food to both a lion and the tiger, standing in close proximity to the cage.

However, the situation quickly turned dire when the tiger, instead of accepting the food peacefully, lashed out at the man’s right hand, sinking its teeth deep and refusing to release its grip. Despite the victim’s desperate attempts to free himself, the tiger’s powerful jaws held firm, causing severe injury and prompting panic among bystanders.

In a heroic effort to rescue the pensioner from the tiger’s deadly clutches, brave onlookers armed themselves with long wooden poles and rushed to his aid. With swift and decisive action, they struck the tiger repeatedly, distracting the animal and ultimately forcing it to relinquish its hold on the man’s hand.

As the victim fell to the ground, his hand mangled and bleeding profusely, it became evident that he had sustained grave injuries to his wrist and elbow. Amidst the chaos, emergency services were summoned, and the injured man was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital for urgent medical treatment.

The incident, which occurred during the delivery of circus animals to the town plaza, has sparked widespread concern and outrage. Questions have arisen regarding the safety protocols employed by the circus and the adequacy of measures taken to prevent such tragic encounters.

Despite the gravity of the situation, authorities have yet to issue a statement or provide clarification regarding the circumstances surrounding the incident. The identity of the circus responsible for the performance remains undisclosed, leaving many unanswered questions and concerns about the welfare of both the animals and the public.

In the aftermath of this terrifying ordeal, calls for increased vigilance and stricter regulations regarding the handling and exhibition of wild animals have intensified. The need to prioritize the safety of both performers and spectators alike has become glaringly apparent, prompting calls for comprehensive reforms within the circus industry to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.